Alphabet Blogging

Posted on the 20 June 2013 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
I've seen this on pretty much all of the blogs I follow lately and so I thought I would join in!......
A. Attached or single? Attached
B. Best friend? Jon (my boyfriend) is my best friend. I've never really had a "Best Friend" as such - I have some close friends, but I tend to go through periods of being close to different I've moved quite a bit so it makes it difficult to keep up friendships!One of my closest friends is Sarah - Tyne's GodMummy - but she lives in Devon so I don't currently get to see her very often :(
Me & Sarah on my Disney Princess themed 30th Birthday Night Out!
C. Cake or pie? Cake! Chocolate fudge cake especially.....Mmmmmm
D. Day of choice? I love Wednesdays as its one of Jons day off and usually the day we have a day out as a family and then a "date night" where Jon & I will go for a meal or to the cinema!
E. Essential item: My iPhone...its my second child!
F. Favourite colour: I love powder blue and soft pink.
G. Gummy bears or worms? Gummy worms, though I'm not mad on either!
H. Hometown: Liverpool! Calm Down, Calm Down!
I. Indulgence: At the moment - hot food! ha! No, usually I'd say my favorite indulgence is a massage - I reeeeeally love browsing Groupon for cheap massage deals and treating myself!!
J. January or July? January as I love the winter, plus I like the "fresh start" feeling of January!
K. Kids: One son, Tyne William Henry, who is 12 weeks old!

L. Life isn't complete without... Family & friends
M. Marriage date: I'm not married - though I'll let you all know a little something about me! I was due to get married on 4th December 2010 - It was all planned, paid for, booked, etc - it was a BIG traditional white wedding too, lots of planning done!  I called it all off about 3 weeks before the date! It was all very dramatic lol. I still have my wedding dress!! (It wasn't to Jon, btw!)
N. Number of brothers/sisters? I have one sister, Laura, who is 28. She has two lovely little girls and is currently pregnant with her first son!
O. Oranges or apples? Apples - oranges are too sticky!
P. Phobias: SO many I don't know where to start! Lets see - spiders, death, the dark, windows at night time (scared of seeing a face looking back at me!), heights, flying...I could go on!
Q. Quotes: "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon
R. Reasons to smile. Tyne, my family, my nieces. Lots of things really!
S. Season of choice. I have always loved winter as I love the snow, and I just LOVE December with the build up to Christmas etc!!
T. Tag 5 people. If you want to do it comment below with a link to your blog and I'll check it out.
U. Unknown facts about me? I can't drive. But I own a car. I reeeeeally need to actually take my driving test!
V. Vegetable? My fave veg is asparagus
W. Worst habit? It has always been biting my nails but since I had Tyne I've actually stopped! I think my worst habit now is picking at his cradle cap, I can't stop it!!
X. X ray or ultrasound? Well I'll go with ultrasound - because xrays are always for a not very nice reason, whereas ultrasounds can be happy things coz they can be to have a look at unborn babies?!
Y. Your favorite food. Oh hard to choose! I think my favorite kind of food at the moment is Mexican - I love spicy food!
Z. Zodiac sign. Virgo the Virgin - obviously!!!!! 
If you do this, please leave me a link - I'd love to read it!Have you checked out my Super Sparkler Advertiser this month?Louise's blog is a fab read all about beauty, shopping and mummyhood with regular product reviews and weekly features such as Shopping My Stash and What The Postman Brought....
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