The key to a good lie is not to tell it…of course. Honesty is the best policy, but if you absolutely must, because sometimes life requires it, know your audience and know your stakes.
If you don’t get away with it, It’s your own face’s fault. Yes, you’re giving yourself away.,
Don’t worry it’s not you, it’s every one. We all have tells and they’re (almost) literally written all over our faces.
Our emotions cannot be contained by the skill of any lie, and facial reflexes give away the lie. Stone faces aren’t great at pulling off a lie either. Something about a completely frozen expression just don’t scream honesty.
But once again, honesty is the way to go, or know you’re audience…some people will believe anything. Of course, some people can train themselves to hide their face’s giveaways…federal agents, spies, serial killers…like I said, the truth will set you free.
“Your Lying Face: The Muscles that Rat You Out”: MSNBC
…bi-daily smile…