…always Look on the Bright Side of Life

Posted on the 30 December 2012 by Zer @the2women

2013 is nearly upon us. Plans are being made, resolutions set, and everyone is looking forward. So 2WC thought we’d take a moment to look back at 2012. It wasn’t a perfect year.

There was tragedy and heartbreak as there always is, but you won’t find any of that here. 2WC stays positive, even in the face of evil and stupidity.  So, today we give you our favorite 2WC moments of 2012.  You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll love it…again:


Live Tweeting the Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates:  This was a 2WC first, and boy was it an experiment.  It may look like these brilliant witty thoughts happen naturally, but they are carefully planned and curated works of brilliance.  Live-tweeting is an impulsive activity.  However, we think it turned out pretty well, feel free to disagree (but keep those comments to yourself).  Anyone who enjoyed the live-tweeting, the comment section is right below this post.

“Les Misérables” Countdown: We hide it well, but at heart we are a couple of theater dorks.  Okay, let’s face it, we’re a couple of dorks, but theater is our first love, and Les Mis is a classic.  So, how could we pass up the opportunity to share our excitement with all of you?  We couldn’t.  It simply was not an option.  Plus, it allowed us to completely dork out over one of our favorite shows.  We just hope you reading our thoughts as much as we enjoyed sharing them.


2WC’s Thousandth Blog: Okay, so this one is a little bit of a pat on the back.  But come on, one thousand blogs, that’s pretty impressive.  You would congratulate yourself too, right?  We know, we’re pretty awesome.

 The Olympic Games: Just in case you forgot about our excellent Olympic coverage, I’ll refresh your memory.  We shed some light on the lesser known Olympic sports.  From the modern decathlon to hand ball, knowledge was shared and attention brought to some of these forgotten “athletic” events.

So what were your favorite moments of 2012?  They don’t have to involve 2WC (although we always welcome outside praise), but let us know!
