Always Looking on the Bright Side #GratitudeCircle

Posted on the 10 December 2020 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

I had this post ready to go on the scheduled date, but somehow, things happened and it got delayed. And then, last Monday, I had an unexpected accident. A nasty fall. Bloody knuckles, bruised shins, swellings-I was a mass of pain.

My wounds have still not healed. But here I am, looking on the bright side, because soon it will be time for next month's Gratitude Circle. The thought of skipping it this month crossed my mind but I brushed it aside hastily.

If there's one huge lesson my Mom taught me it is this: Always look on the silver lining. It helps to always look on the bright side when faced with unpleasant things. And that's exactly what I have been doing.

Here's my gratitude list for November.

I love this quote!

No one ever injured their eyesight by looking on the bright side!

Son's birthday

Topping the list is my son's birthday. This year was extra special because he was at home with us. We've missed his last five birthdays as he was studying on campus.

We would have probably missed it this year, but because of the pandemic and travel restricted, he's taking his classes remotely and we were thrilled he was home. We enjoyed the day together. Definitely looking on the bright side here.

We hardly ever take photos of each other over the last few months and we decided to have a photo session. It was fun!

Fun, cooking and games

Sometimes, we really enjoy being silly. One day, I teased my son about how he didn't know much about me. So, we decided to play "20 things I know about you." Amid much laughter and giggling, we had such fun listing all the things we knew about each other.

Also, we've been cooking a lot, experimenting with many new recipes. So enjoyable!

Cleaning closets

I've begun another round of cleaning closets because these days we're so used to hanging around in t-shirts and shorts that I've almost forgotten what I own. It is also strange how we tend to keep going back to the same three or four sets of clothes.

Do you do that? Sigh. This whole cleaning thing was triggered by an invitation from my neighbor to visit - they had some puja. After literally months, I dressed up formally with matching jewelry and went over.

Health and fitness

I am six weeks into my 8-week diabetes challenge and this week was totally derailed because of my accident. Really freaking out about missing my fitness classes with Janaki, which I enjoy so much. Just when I was finding the exercises so much easier!

Sigh. I had also begun to clock in a 3-5 kilometer walk every day. Yes, really determined to lose 5 kilos in six months. I think that's an achievable goal. Can't wait to get back to that routine!

Had my routine work up. Blood test reports are not showing great numbers but my HbA1c has come down by one point. Still a way to go. Sigh. It is frustrating to not see the progress we expect when we think we're doing all the right things, no? It is seven years since my diabetes diagnosis and I am aggressively looking at making things better.

I was able to do it in the first three years but then, things progressively went downhill. You know, it is not just medication, exercise and a good diet - although these are crucial. There are so many other factors like stress, sleep, genetics, etc. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed and facing the future with hope. Please wish me well.

A tiny outing

It is wonderful how we start appreciating things a little more when we get to do them less often. Going to the local market was a happy routine we enjoyed, whether or not we bought anything. Yes, our market is famous that way. People come from all over the city to enjoy the experience.

Since the pandemic started, we have hardly been going out and so, a trip to the post office followed by a quick round of the market turned out to be a joyful experience.

We had a list of chores we had been putting off for months, partly because we didn't want to go into the crowd and partly due to laziness. But once we did step outside our usual radius, it made sense to try and do those things.

Sure, it was weird to have a mask on all the time, but the warm sunshine and the outdoors compensated for that. Tripping over the unwieldy sidewalk was actually like meeting old friends. Waving to our usual vendors, saying hello to all the people we hadn't seen for quite some time, and most of all, being recognized in spite of our face covering was pure happiness.

We returned home thinking we should do it more often, but of course, that's easier said than done. Blame online shopping for that! Still, I am grateful we have a vegetable and fruit vendor right across the street from us. It can't be easy for them during these times.

I am so grateful to my family and friends for putting up with me encouraging me always!

Signing this post off with this lovely verse about looking on the bright side.

A Neighborly Invitation

May we who are merely inconvenienced, remember those whose lives are at stake.
May we who have low risk factors, remember those most vulnerable.
May we who have the luxury of working from home, remember those who must choose between preserving their health or making their rent.
May we who have the flexibility to care for our children, remember those who have no options.
May we who have to cancel our trips, remember those who have no safe place to go.

May we who are losing our margin money in the tumult of the economic market, remember those who have no margin at all.
May we who settled in for a quarantine at home, remember those who have no home.
As fear grips our country, let us choose love.
During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other, let us find ways to be the loving embrace to our neighbors.

And if you, like me, have been feeling overwhelmed or disconnected from things that once mattered to you? Here is a tip to instantly feel more connected from The Happiness Hack. Try it!

Here's what to do

Think of one person in your world you've been meaning to connect with: to get to know better or to actually make time for. Surprise them: write them a note, find time to talk, or tell them about something that made you think of them. Ask them about something they enjoy, and find out why they like it. Tell them something nice you remember about them. Better yet, find something to do together that you'll both remember.

You'll not only be building your bond. You'll be improving your brain - and theirs too- while creating moments that add to the scenery on your lifelong path to happiness.

How was November for you? Have you been looking on the bright side?

Did you wonder why the Gratitude Circle post wasn't up?

Welcome to the November 2020 Gratitude Circle blog hop.

As always, do remember:

To join the Gratitude Circle blog hop, you can write about anything that made you feel good. It is not mandatory to write about your personal life. Or list personal things you are grateful for.

You have the freedom to share anything that made you feel good. A happy event. Something you saw. An experience. A place. Something that brought you happiness. A lovely book you read that filled you with joy. Anything. I repeat - it need not be personal at all.