Am I Write?

Posted on the 11 October 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

Whether it be an essay or song,
whether it be short or long,
I make myself write.

Is that so wrong?

I push my muse to be more deft,
only to find myself bereft.

I make myself write,
but end up being left!

I fear my pushed muse will run away,
I fear my stressed paper will turn to clay.

I fear pushing forward leaves hope all out sight.
Yet still– yes, still– I make myself write.


I spent all day away from the blogging world, working on non-writing projects.  Art! Sound! Food! Other muses called louder than the internet or my journals.  I do so much writing day after day that it’s always weird to go to bed without a thousand words under my belt.

What about you?

Do you make yourself write when you’re not feeling up to it? Or only write when the muse calls?