Self Expression Magazine

Amazing Transformation! Keep a Good Attitude. :)

Posted on the 12 May 2012 by Roseywinter @roseywinter
I was browsing through the list of blogs that I follow in my blogger feed, and one of the blog posts really caught my attention. It was a blog post by Marion over at Affection for Fitness, and was titled "Amazing Story of Never Giving Up."
I love inspirational stories and testimonials of persistence, optimism, overcoming, and triumph... so of course I clicked it right away.
Marion introduced the video and embedded it in her post. It was about a man, Arthur Boorman, who became physically disabled after too many jumps as a paratrooper in the military. Doctors told him that he would NEVER walk unassisted again.
The description alone caught my attention, but it was really one line that she said that really made me click the play button... "Oh, I was smiling and had tears in my eyes at the same time..."
Smiling AND tears?! I live on emotions like that. I live for stories like that.
I watched the video... and was BLOWN AWAY. I mean, I felt like I had an out of body experience.
Even with all of the inspirational stories I've heard and seen my whole life, with each one that follows, I still get blown away. I still get WOWed and my jaw still drops.
Here is the video:

Of course I had to post my reactions on Youtube. This is what I said:
This is so beautiful! I went through a multitude of emotions in under 5 minutes. Thank you so much for sharing! TRULY inspirational! When people say they can't do it, they REALLY need to re-evaluate their obvious over-statement. They CAN do it. ANYBODY can do it. Arthur sure did! Another Youtuber put it best when he quoted Scott Hamilton: "The only disability in life is a bad attitude." -- Eternallyraven @ Youtube

Remember, folks:
The ONLY disability in life is a bad attitude!
So, have a good one. :)

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