America, #1006

Posted on the 05 July 2014 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

Happy day after 4th of July, blog friends! I hope you all had the best holiday ever.  My family and I spent the holiday with good friends, good food, good music, and good fireworks.  It was the perfect evening in Tucson…cool after a big storm.  The kids swam in the pool, and the parents chatted.  So nice!

Here’s the best part, too.  Don’t y’all love it when the 4th of July falls on a Friday so then you have a long weekend afterwards?  Oh – -this is just the best!  We didn’t go anywhere, but we really feel like we’re on vacation!

It’s not like we have huge plans today, but we’re just feeling good that we get to spend some good quality time together.

So….wishing you all the best day-after-the-holiday, too.  Today, it’s so good to be American!

My song of the day was on our friends’ 4th of July playlist last night.  Neil Diamond’s “America” never gets old.  Enjoy the song and your lovely long weekend, too!