America, #725

Posted on the 04 July 2013 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1


Happy birthday America!  I love the 4th of July.  This has always been a very celebrated holiday in my household.  Today is my Mom and Dad’s anniversary.  They’ve been married 48 years, and that’s also 48 years of extra special July 4ths.  I guess you could say they make amazing fireworks together.

In more recent years, July 4th has also been meaningful in my own family.  We moved into our home almost 9 years ago, and we live in an area that arguably could be the best view for fireworks in Tucson.  People line our street to get a view of the city and to take in every fireworks display around town.  At the top of North Campbell Avenue in Tucson, you can see everything.  We have an upstairs deck that really gives us an awesome July 4th experience.

Unfortunately, we are so busy during the summer, that we can’t always have a 4th of July party like we like to.  Our good friends have been kind enough to take it over for us on the extraordinarily busy years or when July 4th is not attached to a long weekend.  So….the view will not be taken advantage of this evening, but at least we’ll be in good company.

This is the best holiday, and I walk around on this day off grinning all day long and cooking fun pot luck dishes.

So, to celebrate with all of you, my song of the day needed some patriotic sparkle that only Neil Diamond can conjure up to the fullest.  His “America” is a 4th of July favorite, and you just gotta love any guy who has the guts to wear a blue sequined shirt with a sparkly silver scarf.  Click HERE to take in the full image and to hear this fun song.  Have a great day everyone!  Enjoy all of your celebrating!