America, the Beautiful?

Posted on the 04 July 2013 by Albert Wagner @albertwagner4
What is happening in our beloved America? 

The question mark at the end of the sentence in the title could be considered controversial by some.

This is the time of the year we tend to reflect on what America is, what it stands for and where it came from.  It is usually seen as a reason to celebrate.

America, the Beautiful?Picture from
This is backed up by a recent survey that showed Generation Y'ers (or Millennials) as genuinely optimistic.   (Generation Y'ers are approximately 14 - 30 years of age).  However, there are some signs of a turn in America in terms of values.  There seems to be a general, albeit seemingly slow, shift away from democracy.  More on that topic appears later in the post.

The study showed Generation Y'ers as indicating the economy is a significant problem, but widely across the board they agreed that technology is a GOOD thing.  Some responses showed they thought technology helped create jobs, and not lose them.  Many people think just the opposite of that.

While it might be good to have a population enthused about technology, it could also have down sides.  The generation growing up is largely into things like personal phones, texting and emailing.  Should we think that as these people grow older they will not be lacking in one-on-one social development?  That idea doesn't seem to bother millennials, but others might disagree.

Is There A Shift Away From Democracy In America?
In getting back to the topic of the shift away from democracy,  a lack of social skills might be an area overshadowed by other areas.

If one looks at the pattern of some recent news events it looks like the independence in Independence Day is eroding.  Some examples include:

  • The recent court ruling of the Defense Of Marriage Act, which overturned the will of the people in California and allows for the legality of same-sex marriages
  • A recent abortion bill passed in Congress which outlaws abortion for certain time periods, which allows the government to tell women what they have to do their bodies.
  • The news that the U.S. government is intruding more into people's personal information such as Internet activity, social media and even spying in Europe.
While each of these in itself might not be cause for alarm, a general trend developing would be.  Each of these three things erodes freedom in a certain way.
  •  Overturning the will of the people is a dangerous acceptance.
  •  Forcing women to do something with their own bodies takes away some of their freedom.
  • People are not clear if what they put on Facebook, for example, could be considered a "terrorist" threat or a threat in general.
And, turning to religion, some fear a persecution of Christians is not too far away if it is not defended.  This is partially because abortion is covered under Obamacare and partially because these three things above indicate part of a trend that is changing.  The separation of Church and State was part of the original law of the land and it was intended to be that way.

As it appears the church is declining in America it also seems to appear that way to others.  

It is interesting to note on the other side of the world they speak of a "spiritual bankruptcy" of Americans, that they think will eventually lead to its' decline.
A Reminder
As it is the season to celebrate independence and have barbeques,  it is important to remember why people first came to America.  
It was to escape persecution and to have the right to choose how they live their lives in general, without tyranny.
This adds meaning to life because:  Pilgrims first came to America to escape religious persecution and the liberty represented by that seems to be slowing eroding.
Please note:  These are merely observations.