Diaries Magazine

America Wish

Posted on the 13 May 2012 by Shimmerofpink @shimmerofpink

Hellooo shimmers.
So I don't know if you know...can't remember if I told you?! But in the summer I am going to America and I am like suuppperrrr excited! Ive never been to America before...I know am 17 and never been. So I'm going with my family and we are going to do all the parks and me and my mom are also going to do a spot of shopping which should be amazing. So I thought I would like a wish list of stuff I hope to get which you can't get in the uk.
1. Sephora Makeup of any type!!
2. In Scotland we don't have any mac stores... There's a mac in a department store near where I live... So I want to go to a mac store.
3. Want to go to Victoria Secret store and get a perfume.
4. I want to meet Mickey Mouse at Disney. I have been to Disneyland Paris but never in America so lookin forward to that.
5. Getting a bit of a tan (you definetly can't get that in Scotland!!)...I seem to be super white at the moment.
6. Want to visit a Forever 21 store cause I order stuff online but never been in a store.
7. Want to go to Abercrombie and Fitch cause again not one near me :( but there is a holister near me.
8. Lush cause I've heard they are better in America? Are they?
So please tell me if you think there is anything that should be on my wish list that isn't available in the uk because I want to experience everything! We are going to Florida so if you have any suggestion please leave a comment below... Thank you xx

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