An Island of (K)isses

Posted on the 12 April 2014 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

Let’s make an island of kisses.

Sure, why not? We just have to remember to include all the types…

Eskimo kisses…

Electric kisses…

Nostalgic kisses…

Ear-twisting kisses…

Fantasy kisses…

Spaghetti kisses…

Magic kisses…

Third eye kisses…

Goodnight kisses…

Wild kisses…

And almost-goodnight kisses…

..  .  …  .  ..

kisses are a better fate than wisdom
- e. e. cummings

..  .  …  .  ..

I didn’t feel like writing today.  Pictures are on the internet took up all my time instead.  Tumblr gifs are my time-wasting internet-distraction of choice.

What internet distraction always pulls you in?