An Open Invitation for Chorus

Posted on the 13 January 2012 by Alka Narula @narulaalka

Recently i posted a duet composed by me and my fellow blogger thousif razza and was overwhelmed with the response that particular post received,so it struck me just now going through some wonderful comments why not we post a chorus this is an open invitation to all those who feel they have a knack for poetry or if they even want to make an attempt can join me in this chorus.I have given the head start in the post you can post your lines  along with your blog link in my mment box,this is how it works.for eg x gives a continuation to my lines in the comment box,then z gives continuation to the lines of x and so on and in the end i take all the lines given in the comment box make an entire post out of it along with the name of the person who has written those specefic lines and also please leave your blog link so that i can post that too:) the invitation is open till 16/01/2012.Look forward to your comments.

please believe me life has just begun and together we can make it  heaven if we want.....even the sun is smiling at us now, and the moon light has a hidden message for us ,that we can read if we are together now.