An Ordinary Day

Posted on the 10 June 2013 by Missliabilities

Enjoy the poor iPhone quality

 You know why today is so wonderful? Because it is so ordinary. Mori kissed my forehead as he left for work and I rolled over for another 40 minutes of sleep. I ate breakfast on my stairs watching it pour outside. Then I realized that my cat was running around like a fool because the ceiling was leaking so I grabbed some towels and said a prayer before leaving. It was such an ordinary morning!  And that's why I love it because exactly three years ago on this very day I was in my car driving to Maryland.  I think I was crying, but it's hard to tell because there were so many tears shed from that day through the two years that we were apart. So much extraordinary heartache and loneliness. I'll definitely take a leaky ceiling over a long distance relationship any day!
It was a pretty uneventful weekend, too. Both of us are strapped for cash and desperately needed some time together.  We stayed in and watched The Help which was just as wonderful as the book. Even Mori liked it - and he usually hates all the movies I choose unless they have some nudity in them [;)].
Third year is amazing. I don't think I'm going to stop saying that for the rest of this year. Second year was terrible. Mori was always studying and it was hard to share with me when it'd be too far over my head. Yesterday he was reading me case studies while we were making dinner and I could actually guess at a diagnosis! He comes home so excited every day "I got to hold a baby that was only minutes old!" "I got to make a house call today." "I got to call a family member about their loved one's dementia." Some of the stuff he has to see is sad, but it is very interesting. Family Medicine might be a possibility if Mori would be able to rotate through different areas of the hospital/clinic. In summary: 3rd year ROCKS!
You know what doesn't rock? Wedding season. Bachelorette parties, girl drama, blah blah blah. I came home so upset after a party one of these past weekends. I'm just not girly at all. I don't care about accessories or shoes, and I haven't bought a new outfit since my birthday in March. Mori listened and hugged me as I cried about not being a normal girl. Sometimes I want to be superficial and care about clothes and makeup, but at the end of the day that stuff is not a priority to me.  I shouldn't beat myself up. These girls are all accountants and I'm the only one that has a CPA. I'm the only one getting my masters. Maybe wearing flipflops that don't match my sundress isn't that important after all. I'd just like to fit in for once.
 Back to happy... Mori found out two weeks of his away rotation will be in our town, yippee! I've been having a pretty amazing first summer together with him and I'm glad we get two more weeks to enjoy. Next week we are planting a vegetable garden in our small backyard. Any tips or advice from all you gardeners? We're going to start with sprouts instead of seed to make it a little more fool-proof.
Did I mention that we're getting another kitten in 6 weeks? Ain't he the cutest baby?