I haven’t blogged since Diwali. In fact I have barely read blogs since Diwali. This has been an amazing few weeks of my life. Not because I was away from blogging. I missed it miserably, but because of other things that kept me totally busy for a change.
I spent the first week planning a holiday in Istanbul with the hubby and kids. It was my Birthday gift. So how could I say NO, save the money.
Then my post got posted on Parentous. It is the first time I have posted outside my own space, and I think that went quite well. [Psst.... Please do go and comment there
Then there was this sudden trip to Muscat that I enjoyed immensely. You can read about my experience here.
My son fell ill after that for two days and it looked like we might need to cancel our travel plans. But then he got better quickly and we left for Istanbul to celebrate the UAE National Day Holidays there.
The post and photos on Istanbul will follow soon. I have been down with a throat infection ever since I got back. Today I feel a lot better and I actually sat down to write two posts at a go.
Since I can update my FB Photography Page from my phone, that was going on smoothly. Please do visit my page and click on “Like” to get updates from there. You can find the link on the right sidebar too. I am in love with that page and it is getting my full attention these days.
Hopefully, I should start reading and commenting on blogs soon. I am still on medications, so please forgive the slow pace.
And Oh yeah, I celebrated my 39th birthday on the 5th of December. I am year older now, and I am sure none the wiser. But then again, age has nothing to do with immaturity. I am like this only.
The cake was the best I ever had till date. I heated it up the next day because my sore throat couldn’t take in cold things. It was thaaaat good!