and She is ENGAGED!

Posted on the 08 October 2013 by Mikidemann @mikidemann
Seriously, that is what I screamed all day on Saturday and am still in the process of telling everyone. I am a loud mouth. I can't explain how mind-blowing this is for  me, and I'm not exactly sure why. Ellen and Derek have been planning to get married, but she didn't have the bling ring. I don't know how Ellen did it, because I was so anxious everyday for 2 weeks. I kept waking up thinking today is definitely the day. Every time Derek (who lives about an hour away) was in town, I was like "yup, for sure - it's tonight." Each time that she came home with an empty left finger, I would start to stress. Yes, I am a basket case. I kept thinking what if she doesn't have a ring for her engagement photos?! The whole world would crash and the government would shut down and yeah....
Well Saturday morning I woke up from a much needed slumber at 1pm. Don't judge I went to sleep late. I had a text from Ellen at 11:25am that said "Derek said check your facebook messages" and then another one at 12:34pm that said "He is about to propose. I just know it. Im sooooo nervous!!" At this point I had a minor heart attack. I logged onto facebook and click my messages 100 times before the damn thing will actually load. There is a message from Derek that says:
At this point I jumped out of bed, like I said before it was 1pm, so I clearly am the worst friend ever for constantly sleeping. I paced around the house not sure what to do except say lots of cuss words. I woke Jared up asking if I could drive down to Ellen's or if it would ruin it if they were just pulling up. I had not idea. Instead I texted ellen and said... Ellen. She responded, "yes?" I had no idea if she was engaged or what so I responded with a casual "how's life" and then I got the most goosebump ridden text ever "WE'RE ENGAGED"!
It's a weird thing when the girl who knows me inside and out gets engaged. She knows my order at starbucks for crying out loud. We know everything about each other. We went through our rebellious teens together. We sat in my closet and told secrets. I helped move her out of her first apartment. We shared the same bed through half a semester at college, because her apartment was closer. It's a good weird though. I am incredibly happy for her and want the best things in the world for her and her new life as a married Mrs. 
Of course, the story. Ellen came over later that night and told me how it all went down.
Derek had set Ellen up, like a crook.  A week before Saturday he had told her he had a speeding ticket that he hadn't fully paid off, so it's possible he had a warrant out for his arrest, but he was going to get it taken care of no sweat. Fast forward to present day Saturday, Ellen and Derek were driving around and Derek was poking fun at Ellen and wanted her to do a rolling stop through a stop sign. Being the tough chick she is she took on the dare and not only rolled through the stop sign she FLEW through the little red octagon telling her to stop. Immediately a cop was behind her with his sirens on and his lights flashing. He comes up to Ellens' window demanding her license and registration. Ellen obliged and handed over the documents. Then the cop asked for Derek's identification. He disappeared as Ellen was demanding that Derek had to pay the ticket since it was his dull idea to do a rolling stop. The cop came back to the window and asked Derek to get out of the care and proceeded to say, he had a warrant out for an unpaid ticket. Ellen's freaking out, probably all sweaty and clammy. The cop throws Derek down to the curb and comes and grabs Ellen. He pulls Ellen around back, where Derek was down on one knee with the most gorgeous ring out, where he asked Ellen to be his one and only. Of course, she said yes. The cop was Derek's family friend, he cheered and so did all the construction workers across the street!
Isn't that amazing? 

This is Derek with Avery, Avery is Ellen's  dog that Derek is definitely adopting. We will tell Avery Derek is his biological father. 
AND HER RING! Isn't it stunning? I'm in love with how elegantly it fits on her skinny fingers.