And That's A Wrap - Yes! Yes! Yes!
Posted on the 12 June 2015 by Rodeomurrays4
We survived another school year (last day was on Wednesday). Whoop-whoop! This one was full of ups and downs, but mostly ups. It wouldn't be life if there wasn't struggle along the way. Britt said, "Let's both wear our Daniel Bryan shirts on the last day of school!" Brailey wholeheartedly agreed with him. So they are doing the "Yes!" poses in these pictures. (If you don't know, Daniel Bryan is one of the WWE's biggest stars, and he has the Yes Movement and does a "YES! YES! YES!" chant with his arms doing the number one up and down and the entire crowd yells it with him.) In any case, I was tickled they wanted to wear matching shirts!
One last picture of the sign at Buena Vista. Good bye to grade school!
Brailey won a couple of awards at her school assembly. For Honor Roll and Artistic Excellence!
And later, we met my friend Bethani with her two daughters fro FroYo at Dickie Yo's, and then Brailey went on a walk with them for Walk It Off Wednesday, which we are going to try to do every Wednesday this summer. Below, Bray and Isa. We met for FroYo to celebrate their birthdays - they both turned 13 just days apart. It will be great for them to see each other this summer. Oh yah! Or should I say, "YES!" Summer has arrived!