And then he was one!
Logan's first year really does seem to have gone the quickest, though I know that really we have done so much in it. And whilst I do feel a little bit emotional about the fact that he's a year old already, I'm also rather excited too. I'm so enjoying watching Logan's personality shine through more and more and there really isn't much better in life than watching my two little boys interact and play with each other much more than they ever have before.
Logan's first birthday started on Thursday morning; with Ethan being the most excited, he 'helped' or rather took ownership of the present opening. He'd been waiting all week to head downstairs to find a decorated living room with balloons and presents. Ethan had been practicing shouting 'SURPRISE' and asking me over and over if he would be able to help Logan open his presents, and if he could share his birthday cake too!
After a morning of present-opening and playing with brand new toys, I dressed the boys in their matching Peppa Pig t-shirts (I'm now a little bit obsessed about matching the boys clothes to each other) and then we took a 2 hour drive to Paultons Park for Peppa Pig World.
We're big fans of Peppa Pig World having taken Ethan a couple of times before, so we thought it would be perfect for Logan's first birthday; and we weren't wrong. We had such a lovely family day - the sort of day you want to bottle up and keep forever. Well, apart from the moment I clumsily dropped the camera that I use to take video on to the concrete - that part I'd rather forget.
What was lovely was that we actually managed to get around most of Peppa Pig World rather quickly. We'd arrived late and seemed to have missed the morning rush; meaning that we really didn't have to queue for many rides at all. We even managed to go and explore the rest of Paultons Park, something we'd never had time for before. The brand new Lost Kingdom area is so much fun and so worth a visit if you're ever there.
We'd planned a party for Logan on the Saturday - just a little family get-together. So we spent all day Friday preparing the house, catching up on some of the many jobs that had been outstanding since the loft conversion. I'm so glad that my brother and his girlfriend offered to come and help us out with the party-prep on the Saturday morning because by then mine and Adam's batteries were running out. I'm not much of a host, as I'm not one to cook (that's more Adam's territory) and I'm sort of glad because even hosting a one year old's birthday party is pretty hard hard work; whilst also a lot of fun!
Logan's party was really lovely and it was so nice to see him there enjoying it with his (very excited) big brother, who pretty much spent his time going back for more and more cake! But hey! - That's what you do when you're three and at your little brothers birthday party isn't it?! ;)
Here are a few pictures of the pictures that we took over his birthday and there's a little video at the end too.

Party decor
Logan's party decor came mostly from a really lovely party decor website I found recently called www.partykitsch.co.uk. They have the loveliest things and it's also where I got the star and the moon balloons from. If you've got a party coming up anytime soon, I'd really recommend them.
Thank you
A big thank you to my brother and his girlfriend for all their help with the party and to my mother-in-law for making Logan's very tasty star-themed birthday cake. We really appreciate it.

Happy 1st birthday sweet Logan Berry - we love you! xxxxx
Here's a little video we made to remember how we celebrated Logan's first ever birthday..

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