AngelSpeak. Stripped.

Posted on the 20 May 2011 by Gabrielscala

Dear friends,

I started this blog last year as an experiment, as a discipline; and what I hoped to gain from a commitment to daily posting, I am happy to report, I have gained. I found my writing legs. Nothing could have kick started me back into writing better than striving to maintain this blog. There were many, many days (months, really) when the only thing I wrote the entire day was a blog post. Now? Well, now I have so much to write that blog posts fall to the bottom of the priority list and, more often than not it seems, don’t get written at all. For this, I am enormously grateful.

I’m also grateful for you. There is something really special and unique about writing a blog. I’ve made connections with so many wonderful people as a result of it. And that has been an amazing surprise and gift.

This is not, as it might seem, goodbye. But it is a stripping down of the goals of this blog. In the time that I’ve been writing here, the scope of AngelSpeak has grown enormously. What began as a daily exercise for myself grew into a resource for writers. I tried to offer resources that I myself was seeking: writing prompts, interviews, book reviews, encouragement and commentary on what’s going on it the literary world, commentary on how one poet works through the enormous challenge that is writing a poem.

Over the past seven months, AngelSpeak has become less about me and more about bringing awareness of writers and their work to readers. The stripped down version of AngelSpeak will continue to provide author and editor interviews as well as contemporary book reviews. Posts will, obviously, be less frequent from here on out. If you’d like to be notified of new reviews and interviews, please consider clicking on the subscribe button at the bottom of this page. This will not add you to any list, and you will never receive unwanted emails from AngelSpeak. You may, of course, unsubscribe at any time.

The future of AngelSpeak is, I hope, a bright, shiny one. I see it being, in years to come, a digital archive of reviews and interviews that records and illuminates the minds and works of the writers of our day.  I am very excited about this evolution. I hope you are too.

Thank you for taking this journey with me. I wish you words and ideas and a generous spirit.

