Animal Crossing New Horizons: Yuka Moves In

Posted on the 19 May 2020 by Violetdaffodils

Welcome back to life on Sunshine! Todays big news is that after inviting her to visit the campsite for the 3rd time, Yuka the koala bear villager has officially decided to move in! At the cost of Beardo who, let's be real, despite his use of different languages (French, Spanish, Italian, German, etc.) in his general speech - something I relate to and do often and his love of pasta, he was a villager that was forced on me initially to have from the campsite and wasn't one of my favourites. Although I will miss his fabulous moustache and sideburns combination, it was time for a new character on Sunshine.On a sad note, there was a brief moment of BETRAYAL *cue dramatic music* when one of my favorite villagers who arrived in the early days in the game, Wendy the sheep was having doubts about living on the island, sob! Naturally she had to be convinced to stay as I could not cope without her cuteness and peppiness. Although I felt slightly guilty making her stay as she wanted to go see the world. Yes I realize I am a sad case for getting invested in make believe characters on a game haha! And I'm aware of how silly I'm being but AC fans out there surely must relate to how attached you get to these adorable villagers!
We also had Flick make a return to the island and some more funny conversations between the villagers whilst eavesdropping on their chats. Here is the run down of what else happened on todays visit to Sunshine:

1. Isabelle looking hilariously stern in today's announcement.

 2. As yesterday's ceremony for new bridge that has been built was a late on, I wasn't able to see it properly in all its glory until this morning. So here is a photo to commemorate a new infrastructure addition to the island.

 3. I recently turned my fenced plot that was full of red tulips into a new spot for displaying rare hybrid flowers. It's still a work in progress but I love the array of colours. The blue pansies, the purple mom flowers and the pink tulips are my favourites.

 4. The moment of BETRAYAL *cue dramatic music again* when Wendy had doubts about living on Sunshine. I'm glad I was able to convince her to stay.

 5. Budd chilling out by the river.

6. Wendy and Tangy loving their lives over their love of Gyroid Gyroid...whoever that is!

7. Todays catch of the day: a violet beetle.

 8. Todays message in a bottle.

 9. Flick returned to the island today and was able to collect 3 common bluebottle butterflies for him to create some art work. An improvement from last time where I only had moths. *Shudders*

 10. Newest addition to my bathroom with a rattan arm chair.

 11. Kyle managing to both upset and make amends with Tangy over a video game.

12. Inviting Yuka for the final time to the campsite. 
13. The final crafted item to get Yuka to move to Sunshine. All her item requests have put a dent in my stockpiled materials.

14. We bid arrivederci to Beardo and we welcome Yuka to Sunshine!
Until next time!Thanks for reading!  Instagram | Youtube | Bloglovin | Twitter