Another Bunch of New Stuff!

Posted on the 10 May 2015 by Blackmageheart @Blackmageheart

Wow, it has been a while, hasn’t it? My poor blog has been neglected due to Life and its many distractions. One of those being stitching, naturally. Stitching really helps me when things are tough (and things have been really  tough lately.)
So, I have a bunch of new things to share! (Some of these are already up on my Facebook page, so apologies if you’ve already seen some!)

First, my current project – Sword Kirby!
IMG_20150428_210542 IMG_20150510_214226I’ve been working on this piece on and off over the past couple of weeks, although I’ve taken breaks to work on other things (including the current Sprite Stitch stitch-a-long, more on that another time!) It’s a lot larger than it appears, since every “pixel” is a block of four stitches. I’m *this* close to it being done, though!

Next, four projects that were completed a while ago.

new_4Here we have a Link to the Past stitch (it’s a cut-down version of an after-boss scene); a Samus suit diagram from Super Metroid; a fiery Rapidash sprite and a cute Purrloin.

Finally, a cute Mario Kart image, done as a favour for a friend.


I actually have about four other pieces in progress at the minute but will post about them when I’m done with Kirby. Hopefully Life won’t interrupt me again!