Another Day Off

Posted on the 19 September 2011 by Thesecretlifeofjen

Totally feeling less than awesome today.  I left work early, I think the ear infection/congestion/whatever it is, that was trying to get me last week is back with a vengeance.

I bit the bullet and got some cold & flu tabs, not that I feel like I have a cold, but apparently it will ease the tension in my head/face(!)  Um yeah, I think that is called congestion 

I had planned to still get some exercise/activity in, but my head got progressively worse as time went on.  Perhaps a sign to rest, but I don’t wanna(!)  Need to get my exercise in, I don’t like taking two days off in a row.  Now for the rest of the week I can’t skip a day -  I hate going backwards.

Had a pretty lazy afternoon, did a bit of work, got some groceries and made a yummy dinner… pineapple thai rice curry thing. YUM.  Eaten while watching Breaking Bad.  Love it(!)

But after dinner, I got an email from my research supervisor – so that meant some hardcore work.  I have officially decided that statistics is just not my thing 

Dessert – hazelnut and milk Lindt balls