Another Take on the Meaning of Life

Posted on the 24 August 2013 by Albert Wagner @albertwagner4
Prior posts in this blogs have given perspectives on what the meaning of life is.  (Please refer to the section: You might also be interested in).
While there is no one definitive answer, and we wouldn't know if there was, it seems interesting to think about how life could make sense in a larger picture.
According to this author the meaning of life is to learn the things your Creator wants you to learn on earth before spending eternity with him.  Humans only know part of the picture.  It is also asserted by the author that sometimes what is done is what is needed to survive.  The Creator knows what is best for you and his revealed word (the Bible) looks at things differently than a human usually does.  Here are some examples:
*  Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve.
The worldly way of thinking usually involves striving to be higher in the "ladder", or hierarchy.
* Jesus came to prepare people for the next world and not to rule in this world.
The Jews were waiting for a "conquering" Messiah, who would do things such as overthrow the Roman tyrants and help them in this world.
A Different Way Of Life
If one goes further and looks at the Beatitudes one can notice contrary thinking to what we are usually taught in this world.  For example, blessed are the poor in spirit, the meek and the peacemakers and those who mourn and are persecuted.  These things sound odd to an earthly way of thinking.
Perhaps, them, the meaning of life is to learn the difference and the importance of the Bible's way of thinking through living it.  Using this perspective, the lessons of the Bible must be lived by humans to be fully understood.  By nature humans do not think this way.  If you just tell something to a person they might not get the deeper meaning.  When one experiences things they are more difficult to forget.
Since Jesus was 100% God (along with 100% human, which is a mystery) he knows what we have to learn better than we do and the best ways to learn it.  This way of thinking is contrary to the usual way of thinking on the physical plane.
A person could ask how some people have learned what they are supposed to. The way the author would answer that question is to assert that humans see the outer motions of a person, but not deep down.  Spiritually there is a difference between what a person does and WHY they do it.  Only God knows the deep down part.
Perhaps the meaning of life is to learn a different way of thinking.
This adds meaning to life because:  It shows there are things to learn in our daily lives that might not be obvious on the surface.  Life might seem redundant, but that could be because we haven't learned what we are supposed to yet.
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