…app-ly Yourself

Posted on the 31 July 2012 by Zer @the2women

Have you recently found yourself in the middle of this conversation?

So-and-so: Did you catch that awesome [insert feat of impossible athletic ability here] last night.

You: [blank stare]

So-and-so: I can’t believe [insert name of Olympic athlete with impossible athletic abilities here] pulled it off.  I would hate to have missed that!

You: [blank stare]

Well this Olympic Season you have no excuse. NBC is live-streaming, there are more apps available to track events and results than you can shake an iPhone at, plus, you can head on over to YouTube watch events and behind the scenes footage to your heart’s content.

To translate:  you can no longer blame your uninformed-ness on anything other than your own disinterest (shame).

Thanks to the World Wide Web, and probably your phone, you can catch every last minute of the obvious choices: swimming, gymnastics, track & field; plus, you can get your fill of all that your obscure sport-loving heart can handle.  Ribbon dancing (sorry, rhythmic gymnastics) finals here you come!

And if that’s not enough for you, head on over to Twitter where athletes are sharing their own personal insights (most of which are appropriate).


“How to Follow the Live-Streamed, Twitter Friendly ‘Smart Olympics’”: TIME

For you strange, strange disinterested ones: 7 Interesting Things You Can Say to Change the Subject When Someone Starts Talking About the Olympics

…bi-daily smile…