Diaries Magazine

Apparently Your Mother Left Some Stuff Out…

Posted on the 19 January 2012 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

When she was teaching you manners.

I realize social media was none existent thirty years ago. I really do, but that doesn’t excuse how some people behave online.

If you think about it, if people did in real life, what they try to pull off online, there would be a lot of face slapping going on.

I am by no means a prude…obviously, but in my world it is not ok to whip your tool out in public and fling it around. Right? And if I have known you for less time than it takes for you to actually whip it out, I really don’t even want to talk about it.

Some guys don’t agree. I am once again referring to POF guy or “douchebag” as he has become better known. There have been others, but he is the most recent.

After days of ignoring his messages on POF, hoping he would somehow clue in that I wasn’t interested, I answered him. He had asked to add me on facebook. I said no. I don’t add men off of POF to facebook that I don’t know. Especially ones that try to get me to go for a drive and have a good time in the first three hours.

He then asks for my phone number. Ya…no.

I then ask him where he even lives? As he has never told me, and what does he do for fun, kids, job…you know, normal stuff you talk about when you actually want to get to know someone.

He answers but in a blow off way, saying we have done this before, (we hadn’t) now he wants my number, oh and by the way he says and I quote…

I fill my boxers very very well…

All I can say to that is… you seem to have me mixed up with someone else as we haven’t gone through this before, and DUDE, really?

I haven’t heard anything back since then.

Now let me just clarify here, I don’t care how big your freaking package is. I am not talking to you via your dick. I made it very clear in the first 20 minutes that I don’t want to have sex with a stranger.

Why do some guys think that is what it is all about? I of course don’t mean all guys,  if you are one of the ones that have manners and some class, you are not included here.

My guess, in this situation anyway, is that he knows he has no personality. He has been humping my leg since the beginning, which I personally find 100% unattractive. I just don’t understand how he thinks that telling me the above information is going to change how I  react to him, at least not in a positive way.

So I again get to the point with a clueless boy, that I may have to be less than my sweet self.

I suppose I shouldn’t have waited so long to tell him to go away. I just assume that everyone has a brain and will take the hint before I have to get mean about it.

I have made it clear that we want different things and I am not interested in his game, but I guess when you allegedly have a really huge package and little personality it takes straight forward ‘go away’ to get that across.

And I know he will be back again, I feel a blocking coming on.

Happy fishing kids…

Apparently your mother left some stuff out…

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