April & the Sprouting Nature

Posted on the 02 April 2013 by Ninabille @ThoughtsImages

April & the Sprouting Nature

I'm grateful to Kim Klassen for sharing  her 2303-texture and to Nancy Clayes for sharing her Softly 0332-texture.

The scent of lemon and fennel is hovering from the kitchen ... I found this lovely bread-recipe, containing fresh fennel and lemon zest.
The ice on the lake is about to smelt away. There is still bits of snow under the trees and bushes - but the green grass is beginning to color the forest floor.
The month of March filled with sun shine - and very cold days. Last time we had this low temperatures in March was 20 years ago!
So, we're putting our hope on April ... and we won't be disappointed since
 April prepares her green traffic light and the world thinks Go.
Christopher Morley I hope that the month of April will bring- Brisk outdoor walks,- A trip to the sea,- Millions of smiles on ´the faces of my loved ones,- Serene moments with cup of tea ... and  just ordinary daily life, without too much rush and hurry.
Well, my bread has risen and needs to be set in the oven ...
Sunny spring days to you,and a warm welcome to my new blog friends Mona, Liz, Jacquelyn, Verena and Shauna! 
PS. I've uploaded some of my photos for free use  on Free photos from Thoughts and Images Along the Way - site ... and I'll keep adding more. I have posted the pictures at resolutions appropriate  both for printing and for using on the web.
So please feel free to download any images that you might need to use for non-profit, non-commercial, presentations. If you post any of the images on the internet, please provide a credit line and a link to Free photos from Thoughts and Images Along the Way - site.
I'm linking to:  Tuesday MuseInspired TuesdayTexture TuesdaySweet Shot Tuesday