April Updates | Hello! | Currently Reading | & So Forth.

Posted on the 11 April 2016 by Gracem16 @TSITR_Gracie
Hello everyone,
So I was just heading off to bed, when I thought I would inform you of my snazzy new update? What do you guys think? I've still yet to sort out the background, but I think it'll suffice pretty well!
Shall we get on to the updates for the glorious month of April?
I'm currently reading Paulo Coelho's - 'The Alchemist', and I must say it's an excellent read. I'm finding it very mystical, full of wonderful poetic language. If you are looking for a really good afternoon read, please invest your time into this book. I was fortunate enough to pick mine up in a local charity shop, don't mind if I do!
I've been cooking up a storm in the kitchen this month too, (well my boyfriend has!) I'm on a real kick to eat healthier, quality meals that fill us both up, rather than just a make do meal. So far, we've cooked a wonderful pasta dish, and some yummy scrambled eggs! All is well to say the least.
I'm also feeling much clearer health wise, I faced some dark spots earlier this year. Hence, why I was gone for some time. Unfortunately, the mental health team where I live failed to help me, so I'm finally feeling brave enough to re-see the Doctor. I may talk about this in fuller detail at a later date.
My room's taken a bashing today, as I clear up for Spring! I always love having a clearout, especially when the weather improves. Mum's been helping me put a picture up on the wall, and I've been adding a few of my own touches. There will definitely be an update on this.
In other news, I'm improving my brain (yes I know it needs it) by using an app called Fit Brains. Usefully available on the Istore. It's a fun engaging ten minutes out of my day, so what more could I ask. I'm still going with the Spanish too, which is always a delight. As well as this, I'm learning to code! Keep you posted! 
This pretty much ties my month up. What have you been doing? What are your life updates?
Gracie xx
(Photos to follow)