Art Projects: Naked Ladies and My Parents

Posted on the 25 May 2013 by Bunnysunday @missbunnysunday

Clearly, she’s won several Sarah Jessica Parker look alike contests. Her current occupation? Space Cowgirl.

I’ve started an art project titled “1001 Half-naked Ladies” in which I create 1001 sketches of ladies in various states of undress. I’m trying to include all shapes and sizes and a variety of looks. I hope it captures a diversity of beauty. It’s a work in progress.

You can find it at Warning: there are boobies, so it’s maybe NSFW? Although honestly, if you work for someone who is offended by pencil sketches, you should probably quit.

Or don’t.

It’s really hard to find work out there…

which brings me to my second art project:

Getting accustomed to starry skies and the sound of crickets…

I’m 26 years old and I recently had to move back into my parents’ house. I’m not proud of this but I do appreciate the Cosmic Joke. They live in a very small country town located 2.5 hours from the big city where I’ve lived for the past eight years. Basically, my cats and I are stranded in the middle of nowhere.

I have to deal with my parents on a daily basis AND their menagerie of animals, including a Saint Bernard and three evil cats.

To maintain my sanity, I’ve started a daily diary. You can find it at

(For the record, I love my parents. Hi Mom!)