Arts and Wellness Cafe - More

Posted on the 07 March 2024 by Realityarts @realityarts

What do you need to do more of in your life, your creative journey?
In order to enhance your creative journey and enrich your life, it's important to make time for activities that inspire and motivate you. Consider incorporating more moments of reflection into your daily routine. Engage in activities that stimulate your imagination and creativity, such as:

  • working in your art journal;
  • taking long walks in nature;
  • exploring new hobbies - take an online course;
  • or practicing mindfulness and meditation - try out one of my digital coloring pages. HERE

Surround yourself with sources of inspiration, whether it's through art, music, literature, or connecting with like-minded individuals who share your passion for creativity. Remember to be kind to yourself throughout this journey and embrace the process of growth and self-discovery.

In the video I share a way that I work in my art journal, making space for creativity and the time that you may or may not have. This gives you pockets of time to be creative.

We also look at a tip for the week and an important question that you should be asking yourself - intrigued, check out the video for more information.

Come and join me in the Creative Garden - HERE