Come and join me in the most recent Arts and Wellness Cafe where you are encouraged to unleash your creativity. Start trying new things, revive some of those art supplies that are just sitting down doing nothing. If you are not familiar with the way they work then ask, take a course - you can even connect with me and I will show you how - you can take a look through my YouTube videos and you may find the answers there, above all, just don't give up.
Another thing that you need to be mindful of is 'self nurture' - it is alright not to have everything planned out all the time. Sometimes you need to take stock, take a break, really look at where it is that you are going creatively and in other areas of your life.
Looking after yourself using creative activities have an amazing effect, and you have to also look after your supplies and where your creative practice takes place.
I also mention Life Book Taster Sessions, I hope that you have signed up and making the most of the art activities and free gifts and who knows you may be one of the ones who win one of the 40 places that are being given away. My session is going live on Tuesday 6th October and I hope you can join me and let me know how you get on. You can sign up HERE if you haven't already.

On Monday I will be starting my Podcast series again and Mondays is Creating in Faith where we look at a word and spend time reflecting You can check it out HERE