I would love you to join me today as I take part in the #artsysecondsunday.
You can check out my video as I am doing a Frida Kahlo Inspired painting, I share what has inspired me about her work and create a painting in my art journal. Which you can check out
HEREArtsy Second Sunday is an art video collaboration organized by Martha from ilove2paint (AyalaArt) We are a group of Painters and Mess Makers that want to bring you joy and awesome paintings, every Second Sunday of each month. Please follow the links to find ALL sorts of styles and mediums in a fun filled binge. You can leave us a comment, a thumbs up, and of course you can subscribe to each channel if you have not done so. Our videos are done for you and feel free to ask any questions. Enjoy! Here are the participating artists, click on their names to go to their videos. You can join us in the LIVE premier or check out the videos after. I have put them in order of appearance starting with Martha who goes live at 12 noon. (EST) I go live at 1.30pm and will be available in the chat!!Eleni S-artstuff Diana Art Archu's Art World Nina Fickett Designs Mural dreams by Laura Amanda Trought Mixed Creativity by Marie Nicky Parr Britta Mindartdk Mona L Creates Mary PittsburghArtistStudio Peg Adkins R Shel Paper Ocotillo Studio Look forward to having you join us!