As We Navigate Toward a New Spiritual Era for Humanity

Posted on the 16 August 2023 by Berijoy @berijoy

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
Eleanor Roosevelt

It is difficult for me to write these days. Writing is the dark portal to feelings I keep under wraps, not because they will obliterate someone else but because I fear they will overtake and dislodge my stability, and make me feel things I'm not ready to feel.

"Most of us, most of our lives, are asked to live small. Most of us quit trying very young to live the bigness we know is possible."
Janisse Ray

As a child, I learned to self-censor lest people think me strange or "out there." Once, in my early 30s, an astrologer told me that I was a visionary and that if I hadn't been hesitant or unconfident during my teenage years, I might well have taken myself out early. I simply could not make sense of the world, and my efforts to voice my uncertainty about what I saw were met with side-eyes or strange silent cautions to comport myself and stay in the status quo lane.

So, I did.

Ever out of sync (though believe me, I tried to fit in) with the goings-on, I watched and witnessed the world go by, vacillating from wonder to horror each decade. I spoke my thoughts and ideas to my closest friends and kept silent in the crowds. It wasn't my time. Now as the solar frequencies pulse and the energy of cosmic change accelerates during this transformational time, I feel the urge to speak through my pen. There is excitement and anxiety for what might be released through me. Maybe now, saying what I see will be part of the tipping point that helps usher in a different reality, a new world-one that is more equitable, and that connects more with our humble human roots, nature and our reliance upon her. I sense the split in our collective reality which will separate those of us who remember our foundational beginnings, and those who wish to align with the more technological comings happening more and more, though none of it is inevitable.

"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God."
Corrie ten Boom

It seems like the world is experiencing one big chaotic moment.

However, there is something about this moment that is prescient. Through the chaos, one can discern the importance and vigor of this time. Something big is happening, and it's happening everywhere. Being a woman of a certain age, I feel the difference between this moment and those before, where ostensibly the same kinds of things were going on for the world to see: political struggles, financial issues, health crises, educational mediocrity, government corruption, social unrest, all as the war machines play on. And in this way, it all looks very familiar.

But it feels very different to me.

Those who adhere to the narrative promoted by traditional information mediums and structures likely won't see what I'm seeing. They'll name it "the usual" or "this always happens," or something similar to discard it. Astrologers might better explain it through astrological movements of the stars and planets, but one thing is sure. We're somewhere we've never been. I am aligning my vision with the vision of Divine Intelligence. I see beyond appearances. I am awake and aware.

And that awareness is electrifying to me.

"no one tells you rome is ending until you're the last one standing alone in a coliseum where a city had been."
Brandon Thomas DiSabatino

The coming changes as we sort ourselves out won't be without difficulties, without frustrations, or challenges (much as things seem now). But it will be so in a new way, one that provokes hope, and eventually, optimism, one that demands we seize the moment and brainstorm new ideas for the trying changing times. One that will insist we again find our common humanity. Those who are following this path, this way, seek at a fundamental level the chance to get back to basics, to remember what we knew that was handed down to us before we were hijacked by other agendas, often, in the name of progress. They seek to eliminate the structures, the problems and the methods that have acted to diminish humankind and pitted us against each other, and that have taken us far away from ourselves, while disconnecting us from the part of ourselves where our deep knowing lies.

I'm just old enough to remember the idea of respect, and righteous actions through deeds, not words. I remember people who appreciated what they had been given by nature/the Divine, and through their connections with kindred human others. They did not scream about entitlements that would only separate humans further, or seek to force their will upon others (in general). I grew up knowing that we are all connected and principally, that I am my brother's/sister's keeper. I grew up knowing humankind was worth its weight in gold in the Creation.

What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how
infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and
admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like
a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals-and yet,
to me, what is this quintessence of dust?
~William Shakespeare

There are cosmic forces at work that are helping us to remember and see all this. There are other forces that hope against all odds, and that are pushing to prevail, that we fail. We evolve and rise as we part the clouds to see what is meant for us, as we realize that freedom is more important than acquisition, as we remember we were created in the image and likeness of Divine Love. We have a choice, should we choose to reclaim it. This transformative time is showing us that it will be what it will be, according to our understanding, and that we will be what we choose to be. May we choose freedom, autonomy, truth, and love above everything.

I am hopeful. Whether we know, believe or think it or not. There is a new day coming. Brand new. Shiny. I lend my voice to the creation, to hasten it into being. Add yours, and move into harmony with other voices.

Let there be peace on earth. Let there be a new day. Let there be goodwill to all. Let love in all its goodness and power prevail.

It has begun with me.

© 2023. Egyirba M. High. [Althea Grace]. All Rights Reserved.

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