I have been getting some really great questions, and honestly, it's too hard to pick one sometimes. But for time's sake, I only picked one for today. Don't forget, if you want your question answered on Grin and Barrett, just send me an email with your question and I will post it and answer it on the blog. Kind of like, well, today.
Here is today's question:
Dear G&B:
I have been losing my mind being so stressed lately. I can't seem to focus and I am becoming frazzled and scatterbrained. The other day I was looking for my phone while I was talking on it. With blogging, my husband, my job, volunteering, school, and house responsibilities, I can't seem to find time for it all. My husband and I fight because we don't spend enough time together, but I feel like the world will fall apart if I don't complete my other tasks for the day. How can I do everything without losing my mind? What are some tips you can give me?
Sincerely, Where is My Head
Dear Where Is My Head,
Chances are that your head is on your body, we just have to organize the inside a bit. First off, I am sure more than a million people can relate to where you are coming from. Even the most organized of people have their days. We live in a world where too much is not enough, and we seem to pile on our plates a little more. Eventually, our plate won't be able to hold it all. The first thing I always tell people who feel this way is, "breathe". Breathing helps to calm the mind and get focused. Even if it's 5 minutes a day, it's very important to just stop and breathe. Chances are, after you have focused on slow, steady breaths your mind has calmed and things seem a little clearer. The second thing is, sit down and write down all of your tasks starting with daily tasks. You don't have to write, "shower or brush teeth", but minimal detail is fine. Then write your weekly tasks. Things you have to do on a weekly basis. If you need to write monthly, do that as well. Then after all of your lists are written, mark out the things that aren't really necessary. If everything is still in tact, then we can move to step three. Next, think about how you best get organized. Are you a list maker? Do you prefer your iPhone or Blackberry to write appointments or tasks? Do you prefer calendars or reminder boards around your house? Maybe your Mac takes care of all of that. Just make sure everything is in one designated place. Next, write a priority list of your daily, weekly, or monthly tasks.
Let me tell you something, your husband is important and don't sacrifice your time with him. The marriage is the center of the household and it needs to be working properly so everything else does too. If you need to schedule date night, or time each day to talk, do it. There is no shame in scheduling a very important person (VIP)! He will appreciate it too.
After your priorities are listed, think again about anything that can be eliminated. If there is something voluntary that takes up too much time right now, you can always turn it down and come back to it later. Sometimes being too busy is a bad thing when it interferes with your relationships and your health. When do you have time to take care of you? If the answer is never, then something needs to change, and fast.
I am not going to go through all of the awesome apps out there, or where you can find the cure-all on Pinterest. While those things do help, you really have to find what works for you. I can't tell you how many pretty things there are on Pinterest that when you really think about it, they become another thing on your to-do list. Maybe you function best with a perfectly organized "command center", but if you feel a panic attack coming just thinking about putting that together, just skip it.
But if you do want apps that really help your life, stick with the basics- Calendar and Reminders. That's really all you need.
I know that was long winded, but I really hope you find your head.
What do you think? Any advice for the headless reader?
Don't forget about my giveaway. It ends tomorrow, so hurry and enter!
If you want your question featured next week for Ask G&B, email me! It's that simple.