…Ask The Right Questions

Posted on the 25 March 2013 by Zer @the2women

With another Earth Hour come and gone (3/23), it seems like a good time to reflect on global warming (or is it going by climate change now?).

Global warming has always been a sensitive topic. On one side, you have those who believe that the earth’s climate is dramatically changing for the worst want everyone else to know what they know. On the other side, you have those who really don’t care, and just the other side to leave them and their incandescent light bulbs alone.

It may be that this highly-debated subject may not be as controversial as we thought.

It turns out that more of us believe in climate change than all the statistics and poll results would suggest. We’re just not being asked the right questions.

When asked a direct question, such as—do you believe global warming is real?—most people will answer “yes.”

However, when you start asking people, who do not have a strong background in earth science, complex questions about the earth’s weather patterns and natural temperature fluctuations, the craziest thing happens—they get confused. When they get confused, they start asking questions, such as—does global warming exist?

And from there, the whole debate starts over.
More on the Story: USA Today

…just for fun: