at This Very Moment

Posted on the 11 November 2011 by Danielleabroad @danielleabroad
In the past, I've had trouble with "the now." I've been too busy being worried, or excited about what was to come, while at the same time, unable to let go of who or what had already taken place. I simply have not been able to live in the moment.
I think it's because I've been preoccupied with figuring out who I am and what I want. And surely such a simple answer was anywhere but here and now.
Well, I may very well be over such nonsense.
Sure, I haven't figured out a gosh darn thing, but I do know that I am happy with where I am. The past three weeks with The Purple Passport have been fantastic. Mingling with food bloggers, healthy living bloggers, and travel bloggers has been amazing. And I'm thoroughly satisfied with all other parts of life too. It may not be easy, but at this very moment, life's pretty great. 
Just be. It actually does make everything better, and a whole lot more enjoyable.
Words by D. Alvarez, Photo by K. Ottomanelli