I hope it's the latter because it certainly feels significant. I'm cock-a-hoop and have been since about 9pm last night when I finished writing Blogging For Happiness. With a huge sigh and a glass of Champagne it was done. I've sent it off to the publisher today and will shortly begin the unseemly grapple with my aged printer to get a hard copy the editor wants too.
I suspect that I'm basking in the glorious sunlit meadow of a book's life history. It's the bit where the hard work is finished, but all hopes and possibilities are still alive. I am enjoying it. Let's see how I feel after the editor has had a look at it.
Now I can start to pay attention to all the wonderful supportive people who have been ignored during the last few weeks, starting with the Panther of News and the Boys. I can start the reclamation process in the unruly place we live - it used to be a home and it will be once again. And I can begin gradually luring Boy Three back from the feral beastie he became.
What an interesting couple of weeks it has been. I've learned that the only way I can really get on is to get off the web. The discovery of macfreedom.com was a turning point. The purchase of a laptop stand means I don't automatically get a sore neck, thanks to SuperSister for her sage advice.
I learned that getting over the 2000 word hump is a bit of an issue with each chapter. In future - ha - there will be more shorter chapters.
Oh and deadlines. I already knew I couldn't do anything much without one, but I now know I need to get into gear considerably sooner when the project is about 50 times the size of my usual ones. Probably I need to allow 50 times longer.
It's amazing how how quickly your standards slip when you have already got considerably more work than you can fit into a reasonable working day and then the toddler contracts chicken pox. I confirm he did request and get ice cream for breakfast one day.
Anyhow, I can't hang around basking too long. All the other stuff that usually takes up all of my time and energy has been waiting patiently for my attention.