Diaries Magazine

Atheism is Also Only a Belief

Posted on the 01 June 2012 by C. Suresh

Too often have I heard atheists proclaiming that Theism is unscientific and irrational. It seems to me that Atheism being an, as yet, unproven concept anyone who believes it should not be throwing stones at other people’s beliefs. The only rational belief, as yet, is Agnosticism. We do not yet know what is true.Let me first clarify what I mean by Theism. We talk of the existence of God as the Creator of the universe. There is a great deal of other attributes associated with God in our minds – ranging from the Brahman of Advaita, the granter of boons in the practice of Hinduism, the varied attributes given to God in Christianity and to Allah in Islam. I am, here, restricting myself to the Creation part and, thus, all the charges of irrationality thrown at the various other attributes of God are irrelevant here.Even when it comes to Creation, let me clarify that I am not opposing Darwin. If a scientist cultures bacteria in a Petri dish, it does not mean that he is actively intervening in every step of the way. Thus, if a bacterium can find the logical means by which it came into being, it does not negate the existence of the scientist. Thus, I am not discussing the modus operandi of the Scientist but whether the Scientist has been proven not to exist.Any conclusive proof of the absence of God in the scheme of things can come only when Man has unraveled all the secrets of the Universe. This means that we should know how the Universe came into being; what life is and how it came into being; all the processes by which the Universe became what it is today; and what would happen to the Universe going forth. As long as there is something unknown about the process one cannot conclusively say that God had no role to play in that unknown area.Science has evolved innumerable theories only to find them deficient in the context of either observed reality or by anomalous results in experimentation. Thus, the mere postulation of a theory explaining everything would still not be conclusive proof. Only when the theory is applied and a Universe created and observed to work as predicted by the theory could we scientifically conclude that there is no God.Or can we? If we manage to create a Universe ourselves, then we would be Gods! How could we then say that there is no God?

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