
Posted on the 01 April 2015 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

Dear Vidur,

Isn't it funny we have never exchanged letters? Not surprising. Unless you count our emails, which are usually acknowledgments and mostly love, hugs and thank yous. I surprised myself by wanting to stick with a theme for this year's A to Z Challenge and I am pretty sure it is a good thing. Well - considering you are great company and have also grown to be my best friend - I am loving it!

I hope you will enjoy this month as much as I do.

One quote your grandma was very fond of is this:

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

It was practically the mainstay of her life and she proved it several times over. I wonder if you remember, when you were in elementary school and had a writing assignment, she would encourage you to attempt it on your own? And you would blow our minds away by the points you came up with.

Thinking back, I am so glad we always insisted you do your own work, regardless of how it turned out. We did not want to be those parents who were obsessed with perfectly turned out projects just to ensure you had good grades. How wonderfully you have rewarded us by blossoming into the bright and talented person you are today!

One of my own favorite quotes is " What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail? "

When you approach life with that attitude - you'll never have regrets - at least none that make you feel sad. There is so much truth in this quote from P.S.I Love you by H Jackson Brown Jr.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

At this point in time, I encourage you to go ahead and take a shot that everything that appeals to you. Maybe you'll have to pause sometimes to reason a little - but the effort will be worth it. Whether you succeed or not, the experience will be invaluable - and most important, your self-confidence will receive a healthy boost. It is all too easy to allow fear to cloud our minds and think, "Oh, I don't think I'll succeed. This is too hard"

But how do you know until you try? Just think - how important is it to you to achieve something?

"If it is important to you, you'll try. If not, you'll find an excuse".

"I wish I had...." is one of the worst feelings that will haunt you especially when you are feeling low - and it will hit you when you least expect it to.

As you are poised at the threshold of the next phase in life, have the courage to attempt everything that interests you. Doing is the best way to seek and find your passion. And I know you'll find it! You have surprised us so pleasantly in millions of ways and I am confident that you will continue to do so.

As your Grandma enjoyed pointing out - there are different kinds of people. Some who jump into action, never hesitating to take the first step - like her; some who are capable of great things, but often won't move until they get the first me; and for some, one word is enough to take the initiative and shine....that's you.

How could I forget that moment when you were just over a year old when Daddy laughingly said, "When will Vidur start walking on his own?" and looking at you, coo-ed, "Hey Vidur - get up and walk!" And you just did! Your Grandma was busy making dosas and hearing us shout with joy, came running to see and galvanized me into action, telling me to get the camera.

I fondly recall, a few years ago - during that Hindi celebration week at school when you were asked to participate in the recitation contest 5 minutes before it was going to happen. You participated and got the first prize.

And more recently, I remember asking you to make me some tea and you just shocked me by bringing me a cup! It was only then that I realized it was the first time you made tea!

You never know what you are capable of until you attempt things.

Know that we are always here, right behind you to motivate you during those times when you need it. Never hesitate to ask for help when you need it - you know what they say about the crying baby getting the milk!

Go forth, attempt everything, shine your light! You know you can!

With love and hugs, Blessed to be your Mom.

Letters To My Son
April A to Z Challenge 2015: A for Attempt
Thank you Arlee Bird, for this wonderful experience that is the April A to Z Challenge! BlogHer's NaBloPoMo April 2015 Theme: Grow

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