August Goals

Posted on the 07 August 2015 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
I can't believe that it is August, and CAN NOT believe tomorrow is Friday. Considering all day today I wrote in my planner as if it was Friday. One day I will get my blogging game back. I thought I would share some August goals for everyone. Hopefully this will make me more accountable.


Blog at least 15 times this month. I have been working on an blogging calendar to help me stay more organized. I got some new topics and ideas for the future.

Get my blog redone. Thanks Rachel from Oh Simple Thoughts on this one. 

Start ad sponsorship up again. If you sponsored me in the past expect an email shortly from me. 


Work out 3 days a week. 
Run 3 days a day.
Drink more water. 
Give up pop. 
Finish blogilates monthly challenge ALL of them. 


Finish 31 days of the Dreamer and Doer.
Stay current on She Reads Truth Bible In A Year. 
Complete Just Rise Up by Sarah F. Martin with The Influence Network. 

I think that is it for the moment on my goals. Let's see how I finish up. 

What are you goals this month? 
August Goals