August Goals

Posted on the 27 July 2011 by Thesecretlifeofjen

August is going to be a bit of an adjustment for me.

We are moving, so that will affect my exercise schedule.  But also, I will have to drive to the gym, so I will have to make extra time for it – (I live within walking distance atm).

I have made a few points/goals to think about for the month of August:

-  25 out of the past 42 days I have completed some form of exercise, whether it was the bike, walking, 30 day shred, a gym session or a class.  [So about 60% of the time]
+  Aim for around 75% during August, I want to exercise about 23 out of 31 days.

-  Since I started monitoring kms, I walked 31km and biked 40km over the last 32 days.
+  Continue to record through August, and aim for walking 40km, beginning to jog [Not sure how much access I will have to a bike].

-  I missed one yoga session and one step session this month.  Three out of four weeks I went to yoga and step.  It has been a love/hate relationship so far with yoga, but I love the results.
+  Weekly yoga and step.  I want to make it a priority.

-  I only did one 30 Day Shred session this month(!)  I couldn’t believe it when I looked back over my calendar.  I know this is because I’ve been going to the gym more, but I still want to work toward completing level 3 competently  ;)
+  Complete 30 Day Shred level’s 2/3 once a week*.

-  I am disappointed in my progress so far, although I am building muscle, I want to BURN fat.  I have been monitoring calories burned, but not consumed
Track calories in and out – every single item of food will be recorded.
Focus on calorie deficits.  I want to aim for a 500 calorie deficit every day, which amounts to a 1lb loss each week or 1.8kg for the whole month**.

* This needs to happen because I imagine that I will be going to the gym less often, so workouts at home are a must.
** I know 1.8kg seems like such a small goal, but I want it to be achievable.  I also want to focus on a reduction of body fat %, rather than the number on the scale.

When it’s all typed out like that, it looks a bit scary!  There is a lot there to think about.  Nothing is hard and fast, but I do want to focus on nutrition -  I think that this will be key to me seeing some progress.

Once I get to my goal weight/size/shape, I want to hit up the New Rules of Lifting for Women, as pictured here.  Apparently it is a six month program, and I think it will be perfect for a pre-wedding shape up.  So come January next year, I want to be ready for that.