Some of the blogs I read have an immense effect on me. These authors make an impression on my heart, and they serve as an inspiration not only for my writing but also for me to grow and discover myself. I might not agree on everything they say, but they act as a catalyst to stir the process of critical thinking inside me.
I think it is not enough to have these blogs on my “blogs I follow” list. I think they need a special mention, and so I decided that I will make a series of posts called “more than just a blog.” I believe in spreading the good work. Some of these blogs might be here because they inspire me, induce critical thought, great writing style, honest accounts or many other reasons. I will give my reasons for including a particular blog on the respective posts. I know my blog is not an extremely popular place, and it is still very young. I have only 1500 views, but I feel passionate about spreading good work. Therefore, I want to do whatever I can to introduce these blogs to my readers. I think it is a win win because my readers will get to read good stuff, and the authors of the blog will get encouragement.
DISCLAIMER: I am not being paid in any way shape or form by these blog authors or anyone else. Any blog I post under this series is here because I really really love something about it. I believe in having integrity. Posting a blog here does not mean that I agree with every word, belief, argument and opinion of the author. I might not even have enough time to read all the post on their blog, so it only means I liked what I read. Therefore, visit their blogs at your own risk.
The first in the series is called “Reflections of my mind to you!!”. This blog is the inspiration behind starting the series “more than just a blog.” The name of the author is Ram Thilak. He is a young engineering (IT) student from Chennai, India. I found his blog when I was looking through the Indivine section of IndiBlogger. The post that drew my attention is called “Women’s sufferings- Who’s responsible?” The reason why this post spoke to me is because we have been talking a whole lot about the problem, but he talks about how/what should be done. He is humble in his writing as he starts his post with this sentence “I don’t know if I’m old enough to write on this topic.” I think he did a great job on this post, and I believe irrespective of age anyone who has good ideas should be listened to. I also looked into some of his other posts and was impressed with what I saw. His posts disprove statements like”this generation is immature/hopeless or damaged beyond repair.” As, I said before I cannot go through all the posts in one day, but I will eventually. I could not wait to share this good message from this young mind. I won’t say anything more, go check for yourself and show some love to this amazing young author, and if you can, share with your friends and family. Remember good deeds don’t go unnoticed.
Click here to go to his site.
Click here for”Women’s sufferings- Who’s responsible?” post.