Avocado Saves My Day

Posted on the 04 June 2012 by Marensmorsels @marentweets

It’s raining!

Isn’t it supposed to be June? What’s the deal?


It’s Monday!

I do love Mondays but I’m not too immune to the Mondays that I don’t need a little pick me up.


Don’t you love when you order something new at a restaurant you always go to and it turns out super duper good and your previous impression of the restaurant that might have just been so-so becomes AWESOME?

Well… this happened to me!

My Dad, brother and I went to the little Acme Café down the street for sandwiches. Their sandwiches are good, they just aren’t special at all. It’s so basic and boring.

Anyways today I totally swapped up my order. I had

  • whole wheat bread instead of sourdough
  • avocado
  • pepperocinis

with the usual turkey, tomato, lettuce, mustard, pickle, and onion.

OMG this sandwich was on the next level.

I even got my second serving of healthy fats! It’s only noon. BOOYEAH!

I was really hungry so it was baked lays on the side.

Breakfast this morning was about 450 calories. And todays lunch was 570.