Ingredients: Not mentionedPrice: Rs.85 for 5ml but almost always it is available on offer :)Availability: Only through Avon representatives.
Suede Nail Enamels provide a matte finish and a matte finish nail paint for around Rs.50 (on offer) is a steal, isn’t it? That’s why I thought of reserving this for the last. Soft violet is a dark violet shade with silver shimmers! The silver shimmer is very obvious but doesn’t spoil the look. It blends in with the shade giving it a sort of frosty look under light.Drying time was fantastic, to say the least! By the time I moved on to the third finger, the first one was completely dry. I applied it without a base coat and a top coat (as usual) and it stayed intact for….. wait for it… one day! Yup, just one day! Started chipping the second day, and by the fourth day, half my nail was without the nail paint!! shocking!! The staying power is so disappointing that I could rant on and on about it.The brush and packaging were fine. Did I mention that the application was non-streaky? It was fabulous! This is one product which has too many plus points and one negative point (staying power) which outweighs all the positive points (atleast for me, I’m obsessed with the staying power factor – be it lipsticks or nail paints or any other thing, if the product has a decent staying power, it would somehow enter into my good books :P). It would look great with a clear top coat on it but that would spoil the fun of wearing a matte nail paint, right? :-/

- Matte finish!
- Shade – beautiful dark violet shade with silver shimmer.
- Reasonable price.
- Dries quickly, I mean very quickly!
- Non-streaky application.
- Staying power!
- Once you remove it, it leaves silver shimmers on your fingers (refer to the last picture, below my nails, hope it is visible), not really a con but still letting you guys know :P

Final Word: For me staying power is very important. You won’t have the patience to remove and re-apply a nail paint every alternate day, will you? So if you belong to a category of impatient, long-wear-obsessive persons (like me), skip this one. Or, if you are looking for a nice party wear shade and don’t mind about re-applying, grab this!