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The girls have been fixated on taking photographs and having an iPhone and an iPad it makes it accessible and easier for kids to take photos. They did have a camera but it is hard to look out the view finder and as it is a more of a toy it is hard to change the batteries and just a pain to use. It is great and the kids love their dog cameras (a camera in a shape of a dog) but they are not very good for taking pictures, hence them taking over my iPhone to take as many weird and wonderful images as possible and of course silly selfies!
In the newsletter at the kids school they have been asking for the children to enter the local Blackheath Flower and Craft Show. This year was the 94th show! Yes, it has been going a while.
We went to the show and discovered the girls got awards. Well done girls!
I thought why not let the kids take my phone and take some images with it and if they were any good we will print them up and enter them into the show. I gave Lillian the phone and she got all creative and bent down and saw things at different angles. I asked if she needed any help and she yelled, “I will do what I want and take pictures of what I want mummy!” O.K, temperamental artist attitude. I did say that she can do what she wants as it was her photos and she did not need the attitude…. not sure if the artist understood this but she did her images and then gave the phone to Julia for her turn.
Julia took some great images also but was more straight to the point about shooting her photos. Lillian was bending in all sorts of different poses and was getting very creative. The girls loved taking photos and I must get them a better camera that can be easily used by the kids. I have noticed that there are digital cameras for sale but hubby and I would like to do investigate what is best online before we invest any money. I don’t want to spend on some to then find that they are not what we wanted. If you have any suggestions on what to get for two six year olds that would be great. Thinking of Christmas presents for the cameras.
We picked out two images for each child to submit to the flower and craft show. Hubby mounted them on thick board and we entered them after school on the Friday 12th of September. The show was on the 13th and 14th of September and as the kids had their birthday party on the Saturday we went to the show on the Sunday.
Lillian with her winning photos.
When we saw the kids photographs at the show we were amazed and excited to see that they had been awarded prizes. Lillian got 1st and 2nd and Julia got 3rd for infant photography for the show. How amazing is that! We were very proud parents and the kids were very pleased as well.
Julia with her winning photo
I wonder what wonderful works of art they will produce next? Will they be photographers or just love it as a hobby? I did photography as a hobby and also at university. I must say I love taking photographs. Is it genetic? Who knows. It will be interesting to see how this interest progresses.
As said before I am keen to foster this interest in photography as I believe it is a nice skill and a good interest to develop. Who knows where it will take the girls. Now must figure out what is the best camera for little people that will give you decent images and of course not cost the earth. Plus it needs to be shock proof if dropped by kids. I know, I might be asking for a bit much!
Do your kids love to take photos? Has all the latest technology helped make it easier for them to get involved? Let us know.
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