Yesterday B1 and B2 had their first day at daycare, or kindy as we have been calling it.
I have been talking to them about it in the weeks leading up to their first day, explaining what they will do while there and how much fun they will have. They have been so excited and really looking forward to going. I have been very nervous about letting go and being away from them, leaving them in someone else’s care for a whole day. It really helped that they were starting at a good friend of mine’s family daycare. I am completely sure that they are in great hands and with someone I trust and that I know is fabulous with kids.
I wasn’t sure how they would go.
I knew they would be fine when I left and if anything, I would probably have trouble getting them to leave at home time. What I wasn’t sure about was how they would go eating lunch with so much going on around them or how they would go sleeping on the mattresses on the floor as they are still in cots. I really wasn’t sure that they would stay there and with sleeping so close to the other children as they are very light sleepers.
I need not have worried.
They were both happily playing when I left. I had wonderful updates from their carer through out the morning. Half an hour after I left she sent me a photo of them happily playing. Then soon after a photo of them happily sitting at the table eating their morning tea.
I still rushed around like a crazy woman all day but I actually got things done without having to stop every two minutes to break up a fight or get someone something. By the end of the day I couldn’t wait to pick them up.
When I came through the gate I could hear B2 doing his happy noise. He was pushing cars down the slippery dip and about to go down. When he spotted me he screamed and got the biggest smile on his face. He tore down the slippery dip at a hundred miles an hour and ran over to me. Around the corner, little Miss B1 was sitting happily with her carer and the baby, reading.
All reports were as good as I could have hoped for. They ate all their food and they slept well. Amazing! There were also no fights or major tantrums. All in all, a very successful first day.
Week two has a lot to live up to!
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