Diaries Magazine

B1 And B2′s First Playdough Experience

Posted on the 20 August 2012 by Meltingmoments

How do you spend a windy Saturday afternoon, when Mummy is not well enough to take us anywhere? How about we have our first play with play dough!

I have been wanting to introduce the twins to play dough for a while now. But like a lot of things in life we just hadn’t got around to it. I had even purchased some alphabet cookie cutters off Ebay for them to use.

I have been rather un-well the last few days, and this afternoon I just couldn’t summon up the energy to get them out and about anywhere. So I had a glance at the play dough recipe (I havn’t made it for years so I wasn’t sure how long it would take me or how much effort I would require to muster up to make it), and decided to give it a go.

It really didn’t take long at all and was pretty easy to make. I had wanted to use the No Bake Playdough that Kaz has posted about before, but didn’t want to load up the laptop to find it so I found the one I had put aside a little while ago. After making it and coming on here the tell you all how it went I discovered it was in fact the same recipe anyway :-)

The twins loved it. I didn’t think they would have any idea what to do but after me showing them once they sat there pressing the letter cutters into the play dough and then taking them out and rolling it around. They were amazed at the marks the cutters left and you could see their minds ticking over as they made each imprint.

B1 And B2′s First Playdough Experience

B1 held her hands up when she first touched the play dough as if to say ‘What is this strange thing?’
But before long she was completely into it and pushing and poking away at it.

B1 And B2′s First Playdough Experience

They played happily for at least 15 minutes. Which I think is pretty good for a first go.

Mummy had a bit of fun too

B1 And B2′s First Playdough Experience   B1 And B2′s First Playdough Experience

Can’t wait for more play dough fun!


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