Baby #2: 19 Weeks.. Feeling More Human but Struggling to Bend Over!

Posted on the 29 January 2015 by Alex_bumptobaby @bumptobaby_blog

Baby #2: 19 Weeks.. Feeling More Human but Struggling to Bend Over!

These bump updates come up faster than I can blink, I'm sure they do! But here we are again another week over..! And I'm guessing time will get even faster when I'm a Mum to two - eek! Does anyone have the secret to slowing down time? Just a little?.. please?

This week has pretty much the same as last, though I have had some more energy (Yay!). It's nice to be able to get on with stuff and get things done in the house that I'd fallen so far behind with. I've not had many symptoms other than a bit of stomach pain which tends to come and go. It's pretty strange owning what I would now class as a pair of boobs, I'm not really a fan, and so I can't wait for them to eventually return to their tinier version post pregnancy! I'm happy with fried eggs.

I've always liked my food and I'm trying to eat healthier for the baby and for myself but you can't beat the likes of pasta, pizza and a good old takeaway. Taking of dinners.. after I've eaten I'm now struggling to bend over, my stomach is so full of baby and food that it pushes everything up and I sort of feel like I can't breathe!

The baby is still moving around in there but not at it's usual time of between 8.30-9.30pm anymore. The baby has actually been more still this week and has been making me worried, but then last night I felt two big kicks whilst laying in bed - so I think I just have a lazy baby. ;)

People have started noticing my bump a lot more and asking questions, I love having a bump so I don't mind and love having the excuse to talk about my excitement for becoming a Mum again!

It's less than a week now until we find out the gender!

I'd love to know what your prediction is? Blue or Pink?

Baby #2: 19 Weeks.. Feeling More Human but Struggling to Bend Over!

Baby #2: 19 Weeks.. Feeling More Human but Struggling to Bend Over!