Baby #2: 21 Weeks.. We've Chosen Your Name!

Posted on the 14 February 2015 by Alex_bumptobaby @bumptobaby_blog

This week Adam and I decided on a name for baby #2, we've both liked the name for a while now and though we weren't 100% sure, the idea of not calling him it and dropping the name didn't feel right to us, so we knew it was special. Since we've made the decision, it's felt completely like the right choice and we are loving being able to call the baby by what will be his name. It's also been nice introducing the name to Ethan too. We are keeping the name a secret until he's born purely because we don't want to feel influenced by anyone else's opinion on it.

I've been feeling really well lately, apart from the odd day of being drained of energy, but to be honest as that has been the worst of how I've felt, I've been quite lucky. I haven't been sick once and I never was with Ethan either. I don't even ever feel sick and for that I am very grateful!

My bump is noticeably bigger again this week I think and baby #2's kicks are getting stronger and stronger, Adam loves feeling him move around. I've been using stretch mark cream (when I remember and when I'm warm enough to want to rub cold cream in to my stomach). I'm not sure if I've had any new stretch marks come through or not as I already had quite a few that had stuck around from being pregnant with Ethan. But to be honest, I'm happy that a few stretch marks are worth the amazing reward of having children.