I'd felt so sure that I wasn't going to get to this update, I really thought he'd have arrived by now. That's just shows you what I know! Though even the midwife was sure that I wouldn't go over, but here I am at 40+2 weeks, the same amount of time I was pregnant with Ethan, he came at 20:04 at 40+2, but I think his little brother is going to make us wait a little longer. He wants to make more of an entrance I guess. He's keeping us waiting and I'm beginning to climb the walls (yes even at only two days overdue!), but I just know that the wait will be so worth it. It's funny because even though I am only two days over at the moment, it feels like it's been forever and that for the first time in years time has for once slowed right down. I always think that I want time to go slower, but the wait and anticipation is driving me just a little crazy! It's also the not knowing how much longer I will be waiting for.. will it be tonight? Tomorrow? Or two weeks from now? (please no - I really hope not!)
My stomach feels like it's really starting to feel big now and that scares me, Ethan was 9lb 9oz and I would really like this little guy not to be any bigger. But I know that what will be will be - just like whenever he decides to make an appearance.
I've been having so many of the end of pregnancy signs that you'd expect this week. Today I woke up with serious period-like cramps and a horrible feeling of nausea, I then started to get some braxton hicks and shooting pains down there. I was so sure it would be today, but then everything trailed off and just completely vanished.. my body is such a tease!
Adam and I are waking up everyday at the moment thinking that perhaps today will be the day, but really there's just no way of telling! I have an appointment with my midwife tomorrow afternoon, one both my midwife and I thought that I'd never make it to. In fact we laughed together about how unlikely it was.. but it looks as if I will in fact be making it. She said that at 41 weeks they offer a stretch and sweep (I think it's called?), so I don't know if she will be able to offer me anything tomorrow as I'll only be 40+3, but hopefully she can help somehow!
My fingers are firmly crossed that this will be last bump update I write and share with you. before I have my littlest boy in my arms. But I sort of don't want to curse myself by saying that! ;)..
Come on little guy! We're so looking forward to meeting you and becoming a family of four!

Baby #2 pregnancy related posts: - Our pregnancy announcement- Adams reaction to being told he was going to be a Dad again- Our gender preference- The Gender Reveal Baby #2's weekly bump updates- 15 Week Pregnancy Update- 16 Week Pregnancy Update - 17 Week Pregnancy Update - 18 Week Pregnancy Update - 19 Week Pregnancy Update- 20 Week Pregnancy Update - 21 Week Pregnancy Update - 22 Week Pregnancy Update - 23 Week Pregnancy Update - 24 Week Pregnancy Update - 25 Week Pregnancy Update - 26 Week Pregnancy Update
- 27 Week Pregnancy Update- 28 Week Pregnancy Update- 29 Week Pregnancy Update- 30 Week Pregnancy Update- 31 Week Pregnancy Update- 32 Week Pregnancy Update- 33 Week Pregnancy Update - 34 Week Pregnancy Update- 35 Week Pregnancy Update- 36 Week Pregnancy Update- 37 Week Pregnancy Update- 38 Week Pregnancy Update- 39 Week Pregnancy Update