Baby Haul #2

Posted on the 03 March 2015 by Alex_bumptobaby @bumptobaby_blog
I really love looking through these types of posts myself on other blogs, so I thought that today I would share some more great things that I've got ready and waiting for baby #2's arrival.. 

Nattou play mat, gray and blue play mat
I found this Nattou play mat over on and I fell in love with it straight away. We do actually already have a play mat that was Ethans up in the attic, but the reason I wanted this was because of how incredibly soft it looked, unlike the one we had for Ethan. I also wanted something a little softer on the eyes color wise and I couldn't have been happier to find this one. It is as soft, perhaps even softer than it looks in the photo and I'm pleased to say that it's very well padded so it would be fine to put on a wooden floor. I love the sweet little hanging characters and the interesting noises and textures hidden within the mat for baby to discover! It is so unbelievably easy to put up and down, which means I can put it away in the evenings without any hassle. I'm very happy with this, can you tell? ;) They have a pink and neutralversion available too.nautical dribble bibsI picked these nautical themed bibs up in store in Next, but I can't seem to find them online to link to them I'm afraid. I used standard white round bibs from Primark for Ethan as a newborn and if I'm honest I really didn't like them at all. A new baby has to pretty much wear a bib all of the time and I like that there are some really stylish looking bibs around like these ones these days. I plan to pick up some more stylish looking bibs, so any recommendations of places to shop for these will be greatly appreciated. :)

chicco video monitor, video monitor, online4baby

I have absolutely loved our audio-only Tomy baby monitor that we've used with Ethan, it's been so reliable and we've never had any issues with it, even after Ethan accidentally smashed the screen! But I've always wanted to try a video monitor as they seem like the way forward and seem to offer a better reassurance for obvious reasons, plus I like the idea of spying on Ethan and baby #2 when he moves out of our room around six months! ;) This Chicco monitor is from online4baby, a site I've only recently discovered and is pretty awesome for baby buys - they sell pretty much everything you can think of baby product wise, so are worth having a browse of! This monitor has such great reviews and some really amazing features, including a two way ‘talk-back’ function, a touch screen display with 2 x zoom, reminders, the ability to play one of 6 stored lullabies and you can even connect to an mp3 player via the audio cable to play your little one’s favorite tunes or audio books. It also displays the room temperature and has a nightlight on and the best bit? -  it has video recording and the ability to capture a photo, which I can't quite believe is even possible on a baby monitor! 

I've never tried any of the baby products from Little Butterfly before, but I've seen them around and I've always thought how gorgeous the packing was! I tend to find that if a brand makes an effort with packaging, they tend to make just as much effort with their products too. And so I am very much looking forward to using the two products that I've got here for baby #2 - the Dewdrops At Dawn body lotion and Soft As Moonlight nappy change cream sample. Have you tried this brand with your baby before, if so what did you think?
These little navy newborn trousers are from Next and I couldn't resist them as I sort of feel like they will go with anything, plus be super comfy (which is the most important thing when you're a newborn)!  
I always say how much I love smart looking clothes on mini people and this will apply to baby #2 too. Although obviously I only want him to wear smart clothes he'll be comfortable in. I picked up this little white polo shirt for him again from Next and I think that it's super cute. Somehow I can already imagine him in this!
And last but not least I have some products from Tiddley Pom to try when baby #2 arrives. Again, these are beautifully packaged and so I have a good feeling that I will love the actual products themselves! I have their nappy balm, soothing lotion and baby wash to try and I can't wait to use with baby in June! I've heard some great things about this brand!