Baby Lesh #2: 28 Weeks

Posted on the 23 October 2014 by Thenigottothinking @tracyzlesh
With my first pregnancy, I documented everything on this little blog - and I haven't done that the second time around.  There are a few reasons for that, but mainly, I haven't been as focused on writing about my pregnancy as I have been on my little spunky 17 month old girl :)  This pregnancy has been just as special... the movements, seeing my tummy grow, and hearing his heart beat - I am constantly blown away by what a miracle it is to have this sweet boy inside of me.  {ignore the stain on my shirt ;) #toddlermomproblems}
How i'm feeling: I have been feeling really well ever since getting out of that first 15/16 weeks of sickies.  I am in my absolute favorite part of pregnancy - have been for a couple weeks... feeling and seeing his big blunt movements and not the awkward I just look overweight, but the actual "looking pregnant" part :)
How far along: 28 weeks and 3 days
Size of the baby: estimated at 14.8 inches and 2.75 pounds.  We are having to do the big radiology ultrasounds every 3-4 weeks because of the complications I had in my first pregnancy, so we know he is a BIG boy - his head is measuring about 2 weeks big, and his body about 1 week big.  Yikes!  But big and healthy is what we want!
Total Weight Gain: about 12 pounds. 
Maternity Clothes:  I found a pair of jeans I love at H&M, and some great shirts at Target - along with everything I saved from my first pregnancy.  Other than leggings, I am wearing a mixture of my regular clothes and maternity clothes.  Whatever is comfortable!
Gender: a BOY!!  I am planning on revealing his name soon.
Movement: tons and tons of it.  He is very active.  Baby movement is one of my favorite feelings in the world.  Although, I think he thinks my ribs are a soccer ball {youch!}
Sleep: it's okay.
What I miss: sleeping on my tummy and wine. 
Cravings: orange juice and milk shakes (vanilla and coffee ice cream, please!)
Symptoms: I am not having any horrible symptoms except for some mild fatigue and the occasional case of "the blues".  I think the blues are coming from having to put one of our dogs (Maximus) to sleep about 2 weeks ago.  I am missing him terribly.
+also, I failed my one hour glucose test (check for gestational diabetes) on Tuesday.  I am super bummed about it, but I have the 3 hour test scheduled for next Monday.  I have tried very hard thus far in my pregnancy to eat well and exercise, but the nurse said a lot of times gestational diabetes is mostly connected with our hormones.  Here's hoping for a passed test next week - and if not, I will take whatever comes and do the best I can with it!
Best moments this week: +seeing the little guy again at my appointment on Tuesday.  Also, knowing his heart beat is strong (no issues so far like what we had with Andie) and he has a good amount of fluid in there.   + getting a special present in the mail from my mom and dad... they got these adorable vintage airplane pictures off of pottery barn kids that I have been swooning over.  We are doing a 'travel & airplane' theme for his nursery... which I have done nothing to prepare (yikes!) + learning that he is head DOWN... phew!  Two weeks ago we had a big ultrasound and he was breech, so we were relieved to see that he decided to go head down by our appt a couple days ago.  Chances are, he won't be doing any big flips.
Looking forward to: + seeing his sweet face during our 3D ultrasound we have scheduled in 2 weeks.  Wonder who he is going to look like?! + getting started on his nursery and Andie's big girl room.  So much to do, so little time.  This mama needs to get her butt in gear! + getting this 3 hour glucose test over on Monday and hearing good results.  We want conditions to be as good as possible for this little man to have a healthy last trimester in the womb!
+ just the continuation of being pregnant for hopefully the next 10-12 weeks... I really enjoy it and feel so blessed to experience it.
I can't believe Halloween is next week - and then the Holidays... he is going to be here before we know it!